Jan 8, 2015

HHVM Extension Writing, Part IV

Hopefully you've had some time to digest the first three parts of my HHVM Extension Writing series, and you're ready to embark into the world of Resources. Not quite as exciting as objects, they're certainly less commonly used in new extensions since Objects are so much more versatile, but there were an integral part of PHP's history prior to PHP5, and are still in heavy use by such features as streams, curl, and most database connectors.

We'll be continuing with the same examples repo at https://github.com/sgolemon/hhvm-extension-writing where I've already landed a skeleton for example3 with commit 144e9698b5.


Defining a new resource type shares some similarity with Objects, except that you won't be defining anything in systemlib initially, because a resource doesn't have an API in and of itself. It's just an opaque pointer used by seemingly unrelated functions and methods. We'll define some global functions in the second half of this post when we start accessing the resource. Any wonder Objects are winning out?

As with the Object example, we'll be implementing a bit of filesystem access to demonstrate how one might use resources.
class Example3File : public SweepableResourceData {
  const String& o_getClassNameHook() const override { return classnameof(); }

  Example3File(const String& filename, const String& mode) {
    m_file = fopen(filename.c_str(), mode.c_str());
    if (!m_file) {
      throw Object(SystemLib::AllocExceptionObject(
        "Unable to open file"

  ~Example3File() { sweep(); }
  void sweep() { close(); }

  void close() {
    if (m_file) {
      m_file = nullptr;

  bool isInvalid() const override {
    return !m_file;

  FILE* m_file{nullptr};

The first three lines of our class are basically boilerplate. DECLARE_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_NO_SWEEP handles some specifics about the MemoryManager, because unlike objects which are allocated from userspace, resources are allocated from C++, and a bare c++ new won't do a "smart" allocation unless told to do so by this macro. The CLASSNAME_IS macro, and the o_getClassNameHook() virtual below it, define the "resource name" as seen from PHP when you var_dump() or call get_resource_type.

As with the Object version of this example, the class destructor is automatically called when the resource variable falls out of scope, meanwhile sweep() is invoked if the variable is still "live" at the end of a request. Since in this case we want the same behavior to occur, we simple chain one through the other, and on to their actual purpose; Closing the file.

isInvalid() exists for Resource types because it's very common to invoke functions like fclose() who's purpose is to make the resource no longer usable as its normal type. HHVM's mechanism for dealing with this is very different from PHP's, but the end result is the same. So long as your class has some way of knowing that it's "dead", HHVM can detect it, and report accordingly in var_dump() and other calls.

So now that we've defined a Resource type, let's make a function to create instances and do things with them:
Resource HHVM_FUNCTION(example3_fopen, const String& filename, const String& mode) {
#ifdef NEWOBJ
  return Resource(NEWOBJ(Example3File)(filename, mode)); 
  return Resource(newres<Example3File>(filename, mode));

void HHVM_FUNCTION(example3_fclose, const Resource& fp) {
  // By default, if fp is not of type "Example3File" and valid,
  // HHVM will throw an exception here
  auto f = fp.getTyped<Example3File>();

Variant HHVM_FUNCTION(example3_ftell, const Resource& fp) {
  // By passing "true" for "badTypeOkay", invalid resources
  // result in returning nullptr, rather than throwing an exception
  // So check the return type!
  auto f = fp.getTyped<Example3File>(true /* nullOkay */, true /* badTypeOkay */);
  if (!f) {
    raise_warning("Instance of example3-file resource expected");
    return init_null();
  return (int64_t)ftell(f->m_file);

As you can see, allocating a resource is literally as simple as newing up a C++ class with the newres<T>() template (or if you're using an older version of HHVM, the NEWOBJ() macro) and passing it as an argument to Resource's constructor.

For getting at that C++ instance, I've presented two different, equally valid methods. The first is certainly more concise, but you may not want to throw exceptions (you've probably eschewed making an Object for a reason, after all). On the other hand, while the second form allows you to handle your error cases more explicitly, this particularly common case forced us to change our return type from int to the far less precise mixed. Take this into account when designing your APIs. Many extensions follow the latter pattern, using a simple macro to avoid excessive copypasta from one function to the next. I've added an example of that to the repo.

What's with the nullOkay arg? TL;DR version: It's a bit of legacy logic and doesn't really have a place in modern HHVM extensions. You can usually set it to the same value as you pass for badTypeOkay. Note that both of these args are false by default.

Update: In the initial version of this post, I used NEWOBJ() exclusively to allocate a new resource instance, but as @maide pointed out in IRC, that's been removed from the newest versions of HHVM and replaced with newres<T>(). We use an #ifdef to figure out which version we're dealing with because the HHVM team is lousy at updating the API version constant. ;p

The code so far is at commit 5f852d45cc.

What's next...

We've covered all the userspace data types, declaration of functions, classes, and resources. Next up, in Part V, we'll back up for a few moments and look at the build system so that we can start linking in external libraries. If you're already familiar with CMake, then you can probably skip that chapter. Part VI is TBD at the moment, but I'll probably pick up a lot of the parts I glossed over in Parts I-IV, we'll see what comes out...

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